Monday, October 27, 2008

Punctured Tyre

Was happily on the way to pick up my sister in law to go to the Pibakat Charity Food Fair when we saw this fallen streetlight. Someone must have knocked it down last night. Tried to avoid all the debris, but after passing the traffic light heard the tyre making a flapping noise. Yup. There was this huge piece of metal sticking out of the tyre. My first punctured tyre in all the years that I have been driving. Thank God we were near a tyre shop, so drove there. But it wasn't open yet. So had breakfast, called my sister in law, asked them to pick us up and we went off to the Pibakat Charity Food Fair. Came back, and the shop was open and got the tyre repaired. The guy took out the tyre, repaired it and put the tyre back in less then 10 minutes. Cost me RM5 only. Must carry him with me when we travel back to kampung. : )
Must confess I have no idea how to change the tyre in my truck!!!

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