Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm back

I'm back from Shanghai. In KLIA Business Lounge, waiting for the flight back to Kuching.
Just to share a thought from my visit to Shanghai.
We want development and economic boom, and Shanghai has it. But Shanghai also has smog, dust and dirt. It reminded me of Mumbai, nonetheless a cleaner more orderly Mumbai, but still as crowded, busy and dusty. The hotel cleaner wipes dust off the hotel wall every day. There are trees and parks, yet it doesnt seem like the development I would like.
Now before you start saying I am an enviromentalist, I think you must understand my upbringing. Grew up in small towns and with paddy fields. Love Sarawak for its green, yet now am worried more and more as it develops and become more of an economic chaser rather than planner. Quality of life is important. And therein lies the problem doesnt it.
Must we sacrifice the trees for economic gain? And what more with Al Gore's pitch, its kinda worrisome.


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