Thursday, November 25, 2010

Call for Papers

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics
Special Issue: Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia

Asia is a continent of paradoxes. It has some of the fastest growing economies of the world, the largest populace, and some of the wealthiest as well as the poorest societies in the world. It also possesses rich web of cultural complexities. Since the days of the Silk Route, Asia has always fascinated historians, merchants, philosophers and rulers from other parts of the world. Recently however, increasing household income, higher education and an expanding mid-to-high income class with smaller families, globalization, westernization influences and plus the loosening of regulations on foreign direct and indirect investments by most Asian governments have spurred the influx of global businesses into the Asian market. This creates an interesting situation in Asia in the realm of business. Contradiction abounds, from that of a traditional business marketing effort such as relationship marketing to the specialized mass marketing of mega businesses.

Given this growing attractiveness of the Asian region, we invite submission to a special issue of The Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics focussing on Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia. We encourage papers both theoretical and empirical using either qualitative or quantitative methodology.

We welcome the submission of papers that address the Special Issue theme as well as all functional areas of marketing. Authors may consider any of the subject areas listed below, but need not limit their options to these areas. If you are uncertain whether your paper fits the Special Issue theme or not, please contact the Editors (contact information below):

All papers submitted to the 2011 MAG Scholar Conference that fulfil the theme of this Special Issue will be guaranteed for consideration for possible publication in this Special Issue of APJML. Accepted papers will be published in Volume 24 Issue #2, 2012.

Papers must conform to the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics requirements. Please make your submissions by email to either one of the guest editors by March 01, 2011.

Guest Editors:
Professor Kim-Shyan Fam (Victoria University of Wellington:
Associate Professor Ernest de Run (UNIMAS:
Dr. Paurav Suhkla (University of Brighton:

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