Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Office

Moved to the new office last Friday. It was raining the whole day, and when there was a break in the weather, I got help from Lau, my Master's student, and we carried my stuff for the short drive to the new office.
Kinda small, compared to my old office, but who cares. As long as the computer and air conditioning works .. I am OK.Settling down in the new office. I also have my own place at the faculty, where most of my books, notes, past exam papers, PTA, thesis etc are kept. Now just to get the air conditioning there to work, and check if the cables for the Internet work, and I have both offices working. Just in case you are wondering, yes I have two jobs... no, not really.
I am still an academic at the faculty, thus still teaching, supervising, grants, research.. all still will do as that is good for my future(still want to get Full Professor!). I am also now the new Deputy Dean for the Center for Graduate Studies, looking after all the graduate issues at the University level. Will have my first official briefing of what is expected (KPI - Key Performance Index) of me and the Center this Wednesday.
This is the view from the lift lobby. There is no view from the office. : (
Guess you know where I will be staring when I am stressed out.. ha ha ha.
Good luck to me.

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